7 Lower Back Stretches to Improve Mobility

William Butcher
6 Min Read

Pain and stiffness in the lower back are quite frequent problems that might have an impact on your day-to-day life. By incorporating particular stretches into your regimen, you can assist ease discomfort and enhance your mobility in general. Take a look at these seven helpful stretches for your lower back to get you started.

1. Poses of a Child

Stretching your lower back and hips in a gentle manner is the goal of this yoga expression.

How to carry it out:

Keep your big toes touching the ground while you kneel on the floor with your knees stretched apart.
By lowering your torso between your legs and extending your arms forward, you can achieve a seated back position on your heels.
Maintain the stretch for twenty to thirty seconds while taking deep breaths.
Some of the benefits include assisting in the reduction of stress in the lower back and fostering relaxation.

2. Stretching with a Cat-Cow Position

This dynamic exercise serves to develop flexibility and reduce tension in the spine. It accomplishes both of these goals simultaneously.

How to carry it out:

Your wrists should be squarely under your shoulders, and your knees should be under your hips. Begin on all fours positions.
As you inhale, you should assume the cow pose by arching your back and lifting your head and tailbone toward the ceiling.
During the exhalation, round your spine to assume the Cat Pose and tuck your chin into your chest.
Continue for one to two minutes.
Improves posture and increases flexibility in the spine are two of the benefits of this exercise.

3. Tilts of the Hips

Your lower back will be strengthened and mobilized with this straightforward exercise that is also quite effective.

How to carry it out:

Get into a supine position with your knees bent and your feet planted firmly on the ground.
The abdominal muscles should be contracted, and the lower back should be pressed onto the floor.
After holding for a few seconds, let go of the hold.
Ten to fifteen times more.
The benefits include strengthening the muscles in the lower back and abdominal region, which improves stability.

4. Stretching from the Knee to the Chest

Stretching the muscles in the lower back and relieving stress are both benefits of this exercise.

How to carry it out:

Get into a supine position with your knees bent and your feet planted firmly on the ground.
While holding one knee with both hands, bring the other knee up to your chest.
After holding for twenty to thirty seconds, switch legs.
Do this two to three times on each side.
Increasing flexibility and stretching the muscles in the hips and lower back are two of the benefits.

5. A Forward Bend While Seated

The lower back, hamstrings, and hips are all stretched out during this exercise pose.

How to carry it out:

Take a seat on the ground and position your legs so that they are straight out in front of you.
Exhale and bend forward from your hips, reaching towards your toes. Inhale and straighten your spine, and then exhale and bend forward from your legs.
With deep breathing, hold for twenty to thirty seconds.
One of the benefits is that it increases flexibility in the hamstrings and lower back.

6. The Spinal Twist

Enhanced spinal mobility and relief from lower back stress are two benefits of this exercise.

How to carry it out:

Take a seat on the ground with your legs stretched out in front of you.
While bending your right knee, position your right foot so that it is resting on the outside of your left thigh.
To perform this exercise, position your left elbow on the outside of your right knee and twist your torso to the right.
After holding for twenty to thirty seconds, switch sides.
A reduction in stress in the lower back and an improvement in spinal flexibility are two of the benefits.

7. Stretching the Hip Flexors

This exercise is beneficial for relieving lower back discomfort that is caused by tight hips since it stretches the hip flexors.

How to carry it out:

Your left foot should be in front of you while you kneel on your right knee. Your left knee should be at a 90-degree angle with your right knee.
Your hips should be pushed forward slightly while your back should remain straight.
After holding for twenty to thirty seconds, switch sides.
Positive effects include a reduction in tension in the hip flexors, which can help ease pain in the lower back.


By including these lower back stretches into your daily routine, you may help increase your mobility, significantly reduce the amount of pain you experience, and improve your overall well-being. Before beginning a new fitness regimen, it is important to note that you should pay attention to your body and seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner if you have any concerns.


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