IRS Stimulus Checks in July 2024, These States Are Officially Making a Payment

James Campbell
7 Min Read

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government and a number of states worked together to give their people different kinds of help through economic impact payments. Three years after the CARES Act was made law, most stimulus payments stopped. But because of ongoing economic uncertainty and other financial pressures, some states are still willing to help.

The list gives you an idea of which companies are most likely to send a Stimulus Check in July 2024. It’s possible that these checks are different from IRS checks, since each state has its own method for handling money and tax rebates.

US Stimulus Checks July 2024

A stimulus cheque, which is also sometimes called an economic impact payment, is money that the government sends to people to help the business. This is often done during a crisis or economic slump to get people to spend more, which helps the economy.


Single taxpayers will get $150 and married couples will get $300 as a one-time tax refund. To be eligible, you must have filed your taxes for 2021 by October 17, 2022. The refund, which will go to about 1.9 million Alabamans, will be paid for by a $2.8 billion surplus in the state’s Education Trust Fund. It will cost the state about $383 million.


People who live in Arizona and have children are supposed to get rebates by April 15.

A $250 refund will be given for each dependent under 17 years old, up to a maximum of $750 for three dependents. Anyone with a dependent child or children aged 17 or older will get $100 for each dependent. The Arizona Freedom Caucus pushed for the rebates during earlier budget talks. They are meant to use some state surplus funds to help citizens deal with the effects of inflation.

Seven hundred thousand taxpayers who filed their 2021 taxes and claimed a certain credit will get these refunds. The money will be sent out through direct deposit or checks.


People who haven’t yet made their 2021 or 2022 state income tax returns are being urged to do so so they may be able to get a one-time tax credit. Depending on their salary and taxes paid, taxpayers can get up to $250 back, people who file as head of household can get up to $375 back, and married couples filing jointly can get up to $500 back.


People in the area may get checks for up to $5,000 in lost property. These funds, worth a total of $47 million, could be given to more than 66,000 people. Residents can make a claim by waiting for a letter from the Illinois State Treasurer’s Office. They may need to prove who they are before getting a written cheque.


Residents may have already gotten a one-time tax refund. These started being sent out in the middle of August. The rebate is up to $1,300, and the official rules spell out exact numbers and requirements for eligibility.


People who filed their taxes by October 1, 2023, may soon get money back on their 2021 and 2022 income and property taxes. Property tax rebates of up to $675 are available, as well as income tax rebates of up to $2,500 for joint filers ($1,250 for other categories) or their state tax liability.

New Mexico

Starting on July 26, 2023, Economic Relief Payments were sent to qualified applicants. Of those, 26,085 got $500 for individuals and $1,000 for couples and households.


The last day to apply for the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program was May 1, 2024. The official website lists the requirements for eligibility and the possible refund amounts.


People in Virginia can get a $200 tax refund if they owed taxes in 2022. This means that after tax credits, deductions, and subtractions, there was a net amount owed to the state. For people who file equally, a single rebate of $400 is being given.

Taxpayers who send in their returns by July 1, 2024, should get their money back by December 20, 2024. July 2024 is the last day to file taxes for 2022 and get the refund.

Washington State

Some workers may be able to get up to $1,200 in tax credits through the Washington Working Families Tax Credit Refund. The last day to send in an application is December 31, 2024.

Also See:- SSDI Payment Dates April 2024

Stimulus Checks Eligibility Criteria:

Income Level:

  • The total amount of the stimulus check was typically available for individuals with an adjusted gross income (AGI) below a certain threshold (e.g., $75,000 for individuals and $150,000 for married couples filing jointly).
  • The payment amount decreased as AGI exceeded these thresholds, phasing out entirely at higher income levels.

Filing Status:

  • Different income thresholds are applied based on tax filing status (e.g., single, married filing jointly, head of household).


  • Additional amounts were often provided for qualifying dependents.
  • The definition of a qualifying dependent varied between different stimulus payments.

Tax Filing:

  • In some cases, individuals need to have filed a recent tax return to receive the stimulus payment.
  • Non-filers might have been required to submit information to the IRS through a non-filer portal or other means.

Social Security Number:

  • Generally, recipients and their dependents were required to have a valid Social Security number.

Citizenship Status:

  • Typically, U.S. citizens and U.S. resident aliens were eligible.
  • Non-resident aliens, estates, and trusts were generally not eligible.

Other Criteria:

  • Some individuals, such as those who could be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return, were ineligible.
  • In some instances, those with certain immigration statuses or those incarcerated were excluded.

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