All you need to know about impact and legacy at Paris 2024: for the people, for the community and for the environment

Kane Lee
9 Min Read

All you need to know about impact and legacy at Paris 2024: for the people, for the community and for the environment:-The Games in Paris 2024 are establishing new standards for the beneficial impact and legacy that they can leave behind for the local people and community as well as the environment in which they live. The Olympic Games are completely in line with Olympic Agenda 2020, which is the strategic roadmap of the International Olympic Committee. This roadmap switches the focus from the hosts adjusting to the Games to the Games adapting to the hosts and their economic, social, and environmental demands from the beginning.

More people participating in sports

The objective of Paris 2024 has been to make sports more accessible and beneficial for all individuals, with a special emphasis on young people. What are the most important initiatives?

Physical activity on a daily basis for children: A national policy mandates thirty minutes of daily physical activity for children attending primary schools in France. The goal of this policy is to incorporate physical activity into the daily routine of young pupils like youngsters.

1,2,3 Nagez! (1,2,3 Swim!) is a program that offers free swimming lessons to more than 36,000 children all throughout France, including 9,400 children from the Seine-Saint-Denis region. The ultimate goal of this program is to assist in the development of key swimming abilities and to promote water safety.

The purpose of Olympic and Paralympic Week is to encourage participation in sports by a total of five million young people across eight different editions, so cultivating a culture of physical activity and a sense of competition among young people.

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Initiatives that are part of Paris 2024 include the following, with the goal of bringing sports closer to the people:

There are 5,000 community sports facilities in France. These facilities were constructed in neighborhoods all throughout the country, making it possible for more people to participate in sports and remain active within their communities.

There are 275 swimming pools: Through the construction of these pools in places that are weak in swimming infrastructure, the goal is to give access to swimming facilities for a greater number of people, particularly in locations that are underserved.

Terre de Jeux program: This campaign prompted 4,500 communities and regions to interact with Paris 2024, which resulted in over 50,000 sport-related activities, thereby motivating people all around the country to participate in sports.

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Providing opportunity for economic growth and inclusion through sports

A particular emphasis will be placed on inclusiveness and economic opportunity as part of Paris 2024’s commitment to ensuring that the Games are beneficial to all individuals:

47 million Euros have been allocated to the Impact 2024 Fund in order to provide assistance for grassroots projects. These projects will directly benefit 4.5 million individuals by providing money for initiatives that utilize sport to better people’s lives.

To date, approximately 500 local businesses from the social and solidarity economy (ESS), which consists of small and medium-sized businesses that strike a balance between economic, social, and environmental goals, have been contracted by Paris 2024. These businesses are actively contributing to the organization of the Games in areas such as construction, catering, furniture, and laundry services.


Possibilities with regard to women and other vulnerable groups:

Paris Sportives is an organization that provides young girls with supervised sports activities, with the goal of encouraging them to participate in sports that have traditionally been dominated by men.

With the help of Demain avec Elles, young women are given the opportunity to explore and participate in new sports, which in turn gives them the chance to engage in physical activities and build their self-confidence.

The Kabubu Association is responsible for organizing sporting competitions in which locals and refugees can compete against one another, with the goal of promoting integration and developing friendships.

There will be three thousand “Para-hosting” clubs, which will open up sports clubs for persons with impairments and ensure that all sports facilities are accessible to everyone.

A program that encourages older people to engage in physical exercise and encourages them to maintain a healthy lifestyle is called Sport Senior en Plein Air.

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Additional significant economic opportunities are being created as a result of the Games:


The Social Charter, which was signed in 2019, incorporates social concerns into economic opportunities. This ensures that the Games will make a good contribution to the communities in which they are held.

Through the development of skills, thirty thousand individuals were trained in new abilities for future occupations, which improved their employability and career prospects.

There are 181,100 people working in jobs associated to the Games industry, which is a positive development for the local job market.

The local economy is comprised of ninety percent French suppliers, of which seventy-eight percent are classified as small and medium-sized businesses. It is anticipated that the Games would create between 6.9 and 11.1 billion euros in economic activity within the metropolitan area of Paris, which will be of great importance to the economy of the region.

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The transformation of the suburbs in the north of Paris is an example of urban regeneration.


Paris 2024’s central district, Seine-Saint-Denis, stands to benefit considerably from the Games in the following ways:

A total of 400,000 locals benefited directly from projects funded by the Impact 2024 Fund.

There were 1,900 persons from the area who benefited from the integration contracts.

More than 460 schools in the region have been given the Generation 2024 accreditation.

Twenty-seven organizations within the social economy (ESS) sector emerged victorious in 42 games-related bids.

The following are important attractions in Seine-Saint-Denis:

Immediately following the conclusion of the Games, the Aquatics Centre will undergo a transformation into a multisport complex that will include exercise rooms, a climbing wall, a skatepark, and other amenities.

There will be a new residential zone called the Olympic Village, which will consist of 2,800 units with a capacity of 6,000 people. Of these flats, 25 percent will be designated as social housing. In addition to that, it will consist of commercial, educational, instructional, and recreational amenities.

The Games have also served as a catalyst for an acceleration in the process of cleaning up the River Seine. A large amount of investment has been committed for the remediation of pollutants, with the goal of allowing all Parisians to enjoy the river beginning in the year 2025. The initiative is a component of the city’s preparation for the future climate resilience program.


The establishment of new benchmarks for upcoming occurrences


Not only is Paris 2024 establishing a new benchmark for its own Games, but it is also lifting the bar for other sports events that will take place in the future. Paris 2024 has established new international standards in economic, social, and environmental sustainability, including ISO 20121, OECD Guides on Impact Assessment, the Ville Active et Sportive label, and the Terrain d’égalité label. These standards were established in collaboration with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and other international bodies such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Paris 2024 has also elevated existing international standards.




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